National mentoring month
What is Mentoring Month?
At Big Brothers Big Sisters, mentoring is a big deal. Not only does mentoring support a child, but it also supports our entire community. When we come together, we can raise up our future generations.
Every January, mentors around the world unite in celebration of National Mentoring Month and use the power of our collective voices to recruit new Bigs and Littles!
This month-long celebration of mentoring is full of exciting opportunities to grow the movement and raise awareness about the power of relationships.
- January 17 – Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day of Service & International Mentoring Day
- January 27 – Thank Your Mentor Day
No matter our background or circumstance, every child in America has the right to go as far as their dreams will take them.
But those dreams are rarely reached alone.
By standing on the shoulders of mentors, young people have the confidence and support they need to become exactly who they want to be. It’s about spending time together.
Big Brothers Big Sisters exists to help young people achieve lasting success in life. We do this by matching children with caring adult mentors who provide support and encouragement to the child.
Thank you to our current and former Big Brothers and Sisters. We appreciate your commitment to the children and families in our community. In 2022, we look forward to meeting new faces and growing alongside them!
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